Welcome to our online complaint portal. To proceed with your complaint please follow the steps below and provide all of the information requested.
What is the name of the company you would like to complain about?
(Note - our database lists the Head Office location/address, you will have chance to tell us about the specific store/branch location later)
Click to check details
Not This Company
Is this the correct company?
The company that you have entered is NOT in our database. You may continue to register your complaint but as we do not know if the company will engage with us, we are unable to say whether we will be able to resolve your issue - please click Ok to continue.
The company that you have entered is an associate member in our database and may be willing to work with us to resolve your issue - please click Ok to continue.
The company that you have entered is in our database and is willing to work with us to resolve your issue - please click Ok to continue.
The company that you have entered is in our database. Please complete the following questions and then click Ok to continue.
What would you like to complain about?
What is the nature of your complaint?
What is the reason for your complaint?
The company that you have entered is in our database but on previous claims has refused to co-operate with us. Therefore, we are unable to take your claim forward at this stage.
The company that you have entered is in our database but we have never dealt with them before, they may or may not engage with us to try to resolve your issue. Please click Ok to continue.
Please Note:
At present the company that you have specified is not a member of UtilitiesADR. However, we do deal with some companies on a complaint by complaint basis. After you have completed your complaint form we will contact the company to ask if they consent to UtilitiesADR dealing with the complaint. On most occasions they agree to this. If they refuse we will not be able to deal with your complaint.
Please Note:
At present UtilitiesADR is not dealing with complaints about independent traders, unless they have a dedicated complaints department.
Please read and sign this declaration:
I would like UtilitiesADR to look into my complaint.
I understand and acknowledge that UtilitiesADR will need to use my personal information (including sensitive or personal information) and that UtilitiesADR may need to share some or all of this information with the company with whom I have a complaint.
I understand and acknowledge that UtilitiesADR may publish the Adjudicator's final decision. I agree to provide true, accurate and full information about my complaint.
To sign the declaration tick here:
I Agree