How to complain about a boiler installation?
If you have an ongoing complaint or issue about a boiler repair or boiler servicing then you can submit your complaint with UtilitiesADR.
You may have a dispute about an installation that was not fitted properly or left you worse than before the repair. We can help you escalate the complaint for a swift resolution.
File your complaint online, It’s FREE
To file a complaint with utilitiesADR you must have first complained direct to the company and given them up to eight weeks to respond. Our determinations are binding on our members and our service is FREE for consumers.
Before you file your complaint with us
Please note that to be eligible to make a complaint against a home services provider, you must have already complained to them directly in writing and either received a final written response (sometimes referred to as a ‘deadlock letter’) or given the home services provider eight (8) weeks to respond to your dispute. UtilitiesADR can only deal with unresolved complaints.