How to complain about Dyno?
If you have a complaint or issue with a Dyno drainage service then you can submit your complaint with UtilitiesADR.
File your Dyno Complaint Online, It’s FREE
To file a Dyno complaint with utilitiesADR you must have first complained direct to Dyno and given them up to eight weeks to respond. Our determinations are binding on our members and our service is FREE for consumers.
Here are the main complaints that UtilitiesADR receives regarding Dyno:
- Drain unblocking by a Dyno engineer
- Drain cleaning by a Dyno engineer
You can submit a complaint against Dyno here.
Complaints UtilitiesADR can deal with:
We can only deal with ‘non-regulated’ complaints. The complaints we can deal with for a “domestic consumer” are as follows:
- Boiler installations and servicing
- Combined heat and power services
- Plumbing
- Drainage
- Electrical work
- Energy efficiency services
- Renewable energy products & services i.e. the sale or installation of solar panels, cavity wall insulation, etc
- Heat network operator
If you are a “medium, large or corporate business” who exceed the small business criteria above, the complaints we can deal with are as follows:
- Boiler installations and servicing
- Non-microbusiness Rollover contracts
- Non-microbusiness Contract disputes
- Non-microbusiness Combined heat and power
- Plumbing
- Drainage
- Non-microbusiness electricity bills
- Non-microbusiness gas bills
- Infrastructure
- ESCo (Energy services companies)
- Non-microbusiness Back billing
- Energy efficiency services
- Renewable energy products & services
- Heat network operator
- Tariffs for medium/large and corporate businesses