How to complain about pipework repairs
If you have a dispute with a company/service provider regarding pipework repairs, UtilitiesADR can help resolve your complaint.
Before you come to us
To file a pipework repair complaint with utilitiesADR you must have first complained direct to the company/service provider and given them up to eight weeks to respond. Please note, Utilities ADR can only deal with ‘non-regulated’ complaints.
Complaints UtilitiesADR can deal with:
We can only deal with ‘non-regulated’ complaints. The complaints we can deal with for a “domestic consumer” are as follows:
- Boiler installations and servicing
- Combined heat and power services
- Plumbing
- Drainage
- Electrical work
- Energy efficiency services
- Renewable energy products & services i.e. the sale or installation of solar panels, cavity wall insulation, etc
- Heat network operator
If you are a “medium, large or corporate business” who exceed the small business criteria above, the complaints we can deal with are as follows:
- Boiler installations and servicing
- Non-microbusiness Rollover contracts
- Non-microbusiness Contract disputes
- Non-microbusiness Combined heat and power
- Plumbing
- Drainage
- Non-microbusiness electricity bills
- Non-microbusiness gas bills
- Infrastructure
- ESCo (Energy services companies)
- Non-microbusiness Back billing
- Energy efficiency services
- Renewable energy products & services
- Heat network operator
- Tariffs for medium/large and corporate businesses